Director : Philippe Barthélémy




Philippe Barthélémy obtained his PhD in chemistry from the University of Montpellier II, France in 1993. He was then a postdoctoral fellow at Emory University in the group of Pr Fredric Menger (Lavoisier Grant and Emory Fellowship). In 1995 he was appointed as a temporary lecturer at the University of Avignon and as Associate Professor at the same University in 1996. P. Barthélémy worked also as a Visiting Associate Professor at Duke University in 2001. In 2005 he was appointed as full Professor at the University of Bordeaux Segalen. He is leading the ARNA Lab (Inserm Unit U1212/CNRS UMR 5320ARNA, Nucleic Acids: natural and artificial regulation, and the “ChemBioPharm” team, Philippe Barthélémy was Vice President of the University of Bordeaux Segalen (2011-2013). Over the course of his tenure, Barthelemy’s research has yielded more than 150 peer-reviewed publications, more than 21 patents, and more than 100 invited lecture and oral presentations.

Deputy director : Fabien Darfeuille



Fabien Darfeuille obtained his PhD in 2002 in Dr. Jean-Jaques Toulmé’s laboratory (Targeting HIV-1 replication with RNA aptamers), he went to the laboratory of Prof. G. Wagner (ICM, Uppsala, Sweden) to work on small regulatory RNAs in E. coli. In 2006, he obtained a research position at INSERM at the ARNA laboratory (University of Bordeaux) to search for small regulatory RNAs in the gastric pathogen H. pylori. Since 2011, he is also the leader of the STRAMES team, one of the teams of the ARNA laboratory.