Présentation d'ARNADirection




The ARNA lab

The ARNA laboratory (Nucleic Acids: Natural and Artificial Regulations) brings together on the Carreire campus and within the IECB (European Institute of Chemistry and Biology) around 120 people, half of whom are permanent staff from Inserm, the CNRS and the University of Bordeaux (INSERM U1212 / UMR CNRS 5320, UB). ARNA hosts five interdisciplinary teams (Chemistry, Biology, BioPhysics) implementing researches focusing on the study of nucleic acids. Associated teams share common themes, models and methodologies around the understanding of molecular mechanisms underlying the regulation of gene expression, the design of artificial regulators of biological functions and the development of new molecular structures and / or supramolecular based on nucleic acid (nucleosides, nucleotides and oligonucleotides). Numerous aspects of the nucleic acids are studied in the context of the ARNA laboratory, including fundamental questions regarding their structures, interactions, transcription, translation, maturation. Also, the ARNA lab has a long-term interest in biomedical applications involving nucleic acids as witnessed by the publications and patents on

  • nucleic acid based molecular mechanisms underlying different diseases and pathologies,
  • therapeutic oligonucleotides,
  • smart materials,
  • specific binders
  • delivery systems.