Communication to the outside. 

The com correspondent liaises with the communication services of the authorities (CNRS, INSERM, UB) for the dissemination of significant articles or results in the form of press releases or other

Bottom-up role

The role of the Correspondents is to report back to the Delegation’s communication department,
any scientific information the unit wishes to highlight:

 Scientific meetings to be disseminated to the scientific community

Scientific projects and publications to be disseminated to the media

Distinctions, medals obtained by a member of the unit

Scientific and cultural events

Inauguration of new equipment or building.

Top-down role

The correspondent is also in charge of relaying the information transmitted by the communication service for the members of the laboratory:

Help to contact an expert in a theme

Relay a call for participation for a general public event, etc.  

Disseminate all relevant information to the members of the unit.

Communication manager

Scientific communication with the authorities

March 2017

Operation teachers in laboratories, coordinating role of the communication correspondent, welcome by several researchers and teacher-researchers (Bruno Aliès, Anne Bourdoncle, Karen Gaudin, Lionel Minvielle)

June 2019

Evening at cap sciences for the 80th anniversary of the CNRS

October 2019

Stand at the CNRS 80th Anniversary Village Animation “It’s up to you to tell the story of research”.

October 2019

Circuit Campus. “Fête de la Science” : Goose game workshop on periodic classification (Collaboration with the Communication Department of DR15 CNRS)

Open house/lab tours


Lab destination

Specific days organized by INSERM

Intervention on bio-inspired chemistry

Intervention for the secondary school teacher training day (CNRS). March 2019