The unit’s Health and Safety Committee (HS) is made up of the Director, the Safety Officers (SO), the laser referees, L2 managers, and Radio-Competent Personnel (PCR).
A committee is in contact with staff representatives, HS engineers and prevention doctors from the 3 supervisory bodies.
Arrangements to be made in the event of accident and fire are the subject of a specific document and are posted at the entrance to each level on each of the four sites.
The health and safety register in which staff can record their observations and suggestions on risk prevention and the improvement of working conditions is available from each SO.
The SO provides the training and general safety instructions for each new incommer.
Smoking is not permitted in the workplace. Isolated work is prohibited. All premises presenting a particular risk (chemical, biological, radiation, etc.) are specially marked. It is limited to only persons in the Unit authorised to work in these premises.